Monday 29 December 2014

A Meaningful Farewell

One of the last picture of us together. But it's sad that not all are
in this pic. Some had already fly. :(
Assalamualaikum and greetings. For this post, I’m gonna write something different, which is about my school. So, this is it. The end of year. The end of secondary school. This is the last time I become a high school student. Being one of the students at QuadP or ‘upgraded’ version, PERMATApintar College is the best experience I had so far. The experience truly I will not find anywhere else. Excellent facilities, sporting teachers, conducive environment, and the most important, an awesome batchmates. Wow, that’s a ‘boom’ combo!

Thursday 4 December 2014

#6 Epilog SPM

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Assalamualaikum and greetings.

It has been a while since I left my blog for SPM. Well, SPM baru ja habih, and blog ni pun dah bersawang. So I guess I want to clean it with some posts. So, to 97 readers out there, how’s SPM? Is it good or bad? Rasa2 ada yg patah hati tak tengok soalan KBAT macam mana. Especially soalan durian ngan nangka tu. Yang lepas tu lepas lar. Apa yang kita mampu buat berdoa and tawakkal to Allah. (Hanya pada-Mu kami sembah dan hanya pada-Mu kami meminta pertolongan. Al-Fatihah:4).